Günümüzde Emperyalizm

Genel Çerçeve

+ Okçuoğlu, İbrahim - Rekabetin Tarihi

+ Okçuoğlu, İbrahim - Günümüzde Emperyalizm

Scale and Scope: The Dynamics of Industrial Capitalism 1990
author(s) Alfred D. Chandler, Takashi Hikino

Big Business and the Wealth of Nations 1999
author(s) Alfred D. Chandler (editor), Franco Amatori (editor), Takashi Hikino (editor)

Globalizing Capital: A History of the International Monetary System (Second Edition) 2008
author(s) Barry Eichengreen

Capital Flows and Crises 2003
author(s) Barry Eichengreen

The European Economy since 1945: Coordinated Capitalism and Beyond (Princeton Economic History of the Western World) 2008
author(s) Barry Eichengreen

Globalization of Capital and the Nation-State: Imperialism, Class Struggle, and the State in the Age of Global Capitalism 2003
author(s) Berch Berberoglu

Monopoly Capitalism in Crisis 2004
author(s) Bill Lucarelli

Carol Yeh-Yun Lin, Leif Edvinsson National Intellectual Capital: A Comparison of 40 Countries 2010

Labor in the Capitalist World-Economy 1984
author(s) Charles Bergquist

World of Possibilities: Flexibility and Mass Production in Western Industrialization (Studies in Modern Capitalism) 1997
author(s) Charles F. Sabel, Jonathan Zeitlin

Christel Lane, Jocelyn Probert National Capitalisms, Global Production Networks: Fashioning the Value Chain in the UK, US, and Germany 2009

Christiaan Grootaert Thierry van Bastelaer Robert D Putnam The role of social capital in development : an empirical assessment 2007
Общественные науки в целом

Universities and the Capitalist State: Corporate Liberalism and the Reconstruction of American Higher Education, 1894-1928 1990
author(s) Clyde W. Barrow

The Economics of Education: Human Capital, Family Background and Inequality 2006
author(s) Daniele Checchi

Daniel Faber Capitalizing on Environmental Injustice: The Polluter-Industrial Complex in the Age of Globalization (Nature's Meaning) 2008

Crony capitalism 2002
author(s) David C. Kang

From Peasant to Proletarian: Capitalist Developments and Agrarian Transitions 1981
author(s) David Goodman, Michael Redclift

Dick Bryan, Michael Rafferty Capitalism with Derivatives: A Political Economy of Financial Derivatives, Capital and Class 2006

Donald Gibson Wealth, Power, and the Crisis of Laissez Faire Capitalism 2011

Capitalism and Its Economics: A Critical History 2000
author(s) Douglas Dowd

Political Economy of Modern Capitalism: Mapping Convergence and Diversity 1997
author(s) Dr Colin Crouch, Professor Wolfgang Streeck

Global Capital, Political Institutions, and Policy Change in Developed Welfare States 2002
author(s) Duane Swank

Duncan Foley An Unholy Trinity: Labor, Capital and Land in the New Economy (Graz Schumpeter Lectures, 6) 2003

Finance of International Trade (Essential Capital Markets) 2003
author(s) Eric Bishop

Ernest Mandel Late Capitalism (Verso Classics, 23) 1998

Eva Paus Global Capitalism Unbound: Winners and Losers from Offshore Outsourcing 2007

Eve Poole The Church on Capitalism: Theology and the Market 2010

Eva Illouz Consuming the Romantic Utopia: Love and the Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism 1997

Low-Wage Capitalism: Colossus with Feet of Clay 2009
author(s) Fred Goldstein

What Every Environmentalist Needs to Know About Capitalism 2011
author(s) Fred Magdoff, John Bellamy Foster

Frederic Lordon, Andre Orlean, Alexandre Roig, Pepita Ould-Ahmed, Collectif Conflits et pouvoirs dans les institutions du capitalisme 2008

Freyer T.A. Antitrust and Global Capitalism, 1930-2004 2006

Multinationals and global capitalism 2005
author(s) Geoffrey Jones

Contemporary Criminology and Criminal Justice Theory: Evaluating Justice Systems in Capitalist Societies 2009
author(s) Geoffrey R. Skoll
Capital Beyond Borders: States and Firms in the Auto Industry, 1960-94 (International Political Economy Series) 1997
author(s) Kenneth P. Thomas

Varieties of Capitalism and Europeanization: National Response Strategies to the Single European Market 2005
author(s) Georg Menz

Anti-Capitalism: A Guide to the Movement (Revolutionary Portraits) 2001
author(s) George Monbiot

Capital Resurgent: Roots of the Neoliberal Revolution 2004
author(s) Gerard Dumenil, Dominique Levy

The Future of Chinese Capitalism 2008
author(s) Gordon Redding, Michael A. Witt

India's New Capitalists: Caste, Business, and Industry in a Modern Nation 2008
author(s) Harish Damodaran

Labor and Monopoly Capital: The Degradation of Work in the Twentieth Century 1998
author(s) Harry Braverman

American Capitalism and the Changing Role of Government 1999
author(s) Harry G. Shaffer

Capitalism...Breeder of Race Prejudice 1971
author(s) Hass, Eric

Helmut Dietl Capital Markets and Corporate Governance in Japan, Germany and the United States: Organizational Response to Market Inefficiencies 1997

Persistent Inequalities: Wage Disparity Under Capitalist Competition 1993
author(s) Howard Botwinick

Welfare Capitalism in East Asia: Social Policy in the Tiger Economies 2004
author(s) Ian Holliday, Paul Wilding

America's Culture of Terrorism: Violence, Capitalism, and the Written Word (Cultural Studies of the United States) 2003
author(s) Jeffory A. Clymer

Moving Millions: How Coyote Capitalism Fuels Global Immigration
author(s) Jeffrey Kaye

Capital Ideas: The IMF and the Rise of Financial Liberalization 2009
author(s) Jeffrey M. Chwieroth

Corruption, Capitalism and Democracy (Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought, 4) 1997
author(s) John Girling

The Cancer Stage of Capitalism 1999
author(s) John McMurtry

John Milios, Dimitris Sotiropoulos Rethinking Imperialism: A Study of Capitalist Rule 2009

Körfez sermayesi

--> Adam Hanieh, Capitalism and Class in the Gulf Arab States 2011

--> Aamir Rehman, Gulf Capital and Islamic Finance: The Rise of the New Global Players 2009

--> Aamir Rehman, Dubai & Co.: Global Strategies for Doing Business in the Gulf States 2007

--> Çin
Christian Chua Chinese Big Business in Indonesia: The State of the Capital (Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series) 2008

--> Arindam Banik, Pradip K. BhaumikPrivate Capital Inflows to the Caribbean, China and India: Trends, Assessments and Determinaits 2006

--> Hindistan

--> Anthony P. D'costa, The Long March to Capitalism: Embourgeoisment, Internationalisation and Industrial Transformation in India 2005


--> Abbas Abdelkarim, Primitive Capital Accumulation in the Sudan 1992
author(s)marksist-leninistSite Yöneticisi Mesajlar: 52Kayıt: 10 May 2013 23:02

Başa Dön

Re: Günümüz emperyalist sistemi

gönderen marksist-leninist » 27 Tem 2013 09:20
Meat Market: Female Flesh Under Capitalism 2011
author(s) Laurie Penny

Global Capital and National Governments 2003
author(s) Layna Mosley

Kevin Ward, Mike Samers Spaces of Work: Global Capitalism and Geographies of Labour 2004

Contagious Capitalism: Globalization and the Politics of Labor in China 2005
author(s) Mary Elizabeth Gallagher

Gender and Work in Capitalist Economies (Issues in Society) 2007
author(s) Pam Odih

A Failure of Capitalism: The Crisis of '08 and the Descent into Depression 2009
author(s) Richard A. Posner

Richard A. Posner The Crisis of Capitalist Democracy 2010

Religion and The Transformation of Capitalism: Comparative Approaches 1995
author(s) Richard H. Roberts

Let Them Eat Junk: How Capitalism Creates Hunger and Obesity
author(s) Robert Albritton

Migration And Its Enemies: Global Capital, Migrant Labour And the Nation-State (Research in Migration and Ethnic Relations) 2006
author(s) Robin Cohen

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